Measurement (M5)8.4 Setting zeros, workpiece measuring and tool measuringExtended FunctionsFunction Manual, 01/2008, 6FC5397-1BP10-3BA0 6478.4.3.12 Measurement of an oblique angle (measurement type 24)Measurement method for converting a measuring point in any coordinate systemCoordinate transformation of a position ($AC_MEAS_TYPE = 24)With this method of measurement, a measuring point in any coordinate system (WCS, BCS,MCS) can be converted with reference to a new coordinate system by coordinatetransformation.The new coordinate system is generated by specifying a desired frame chain.6SHFLILHGIUDPH:&6%&6]\[3 0&6 3 0&6\[]Figure 8-18 Coordinate transformation of a positionThe values of the following variables are evaluated for measurement type 24:Input variable Description$AC_MEAS_VALID Validity bits for input variables$AA_MEAS_POINT1[axis] Position to be transformed$AC_MEAS_P1_COORD Default is 0: WCS, 1: BCS, 2: MCS *$AC_MEAS_P2_COORD Target coordinate system *$AC_MEAS_TOOL_MASK 0x20; Length of the active tool is included in the coordinatetransformation of a position *$AC_MEAS_CHSFR System frames from data management *$AC_MEAS_NCBFR Global basic frames from the data management *$AC_MEAS_CHBFR Channel basic frames from the data management *$AC_MEAS_UIFR Settable frame from data management *$AC_MEAS_PFRAME 1: Programmable frame is not included in calculation *$AC_MEAS_TYPE 24* optional