4 03.04 Machine Operating Area4.6 Automatic mode 4 Siemens AG, 2004. All rights reservedSINUMERIK 840D/840Di/810D Operator's Guide HMI Advanced (BAD) – 03.04 Edition 4-163Block display duringprogram executionThe block display during program execution in software versions 6.3and higher appears in an extended "program control" window paneand can be selected with the vertical softkey "Block display".BlockdisplayPress the vertical softkey "Block display"Program execution modes A separate "program control" window pane with the previous blockdisplay appears in the main screen. You can select the following whilethe program is running:Block display during program executionDisplay all blocksDisplay traversing blocks onlyCurrent blockThe last current block is shown in the block display. If you want todisplay all current blocks, you can use the selection menu to choosethe desired block.M Fct* (from SW 6.3) When this function is active, program execution on the NC isinterrupted on request by the PLC at blocks in which the additional*associated M function* is programmed for a conditional stop 2.The M Fct* number displayed here can be changed to the desiredvalue in the Startup operating area under Machine Data/Channel MDby selecting the machine data corresponding to the M function. Thenumber stored in this machine data is then displayed. The value ofthis miscellaneous M function number must match the programmedstop 2.Other informationBlocks which are too long for the display window (approx. 65characters) are truncated and the truncated code is replaced by "...".