4 Data Descriptions 11.034.3 Interface signals© Siemens AG 2003 All Rights Reserved4-262 SINUMERIK 840D/SIMODRIVE 611 digital SINUMERIK Safety Integrated (FBSI) - Edition 11.03nnxtN_KL_NX.DSFSGA "n < nx "01Fig. 4-2 Signal n < n x, depending on the speed characteristicOnly when the spindle has stopped (SGA "n < nx" = 0) is the chuck, forexample, controlled.The limit speed nx is defined using the following machine data:For 840D MD 36946: $MA_SAFE_VELO_XFor 611 digital MD 1346: $MD_SAFE_VELO_XNoteIf the axis/spindle runs at nx, changes in the actual value in both monitoringchannels of the SGA can cause the SGA "n < nx" to have different states.This must be taken into account in the safe further processing of the SGA.The SGAs "SG active bit 1, 0" display which safely reduced speed andtherefore which speed limit value is actively monitored. The SGAs are onlyupdated when the function "SBH/SG" is enabled and SG is active (SGE"SBH/SG de-selection" = 0 and "SBH de-selection" = 1).Table 4-7 Display of the active safely-reduced speedSGASGactiveBit 1SGactiveBit 0SBH/SGactiveSBHactiveMeaning= 0 = 0 1 1 SBH is active (no safely-reduced speed active)= 0 = 0 1 0 Speed limit value for SG1 active= 0 = 1 1 0 Speed limit value for SG2 active= 1 = 0 1 0 Speed limit value for SG3 active= 1 =1 1 0 Speed limit value for SG4 active= 0 = 0 0 0 Neither SBH nor SG is activeNote:State "SG active Bit 1, 0" = "0" has two different meanings. An unambiguousinterpretation can be obtained by additionally evaluating the SGAs "SBH active" and"SBH/SG active".ApplicationDefining limit speed nxDescription of theSGAs"SG active bit 1, 0"(840D from SW 4.2)