Typicals and regulations1.2 Safety of machinery in EuropeSafety IntegratedFunction Manual, 05/2010, A5E03264275A 271.2.7 Risk analysis/assessmentRisks are intrinsic in machines due to their design and functionality. For this reason, theMachinery Directive requires that a risk assessment be performed for each machine and, ifnecessary, the level of risk reduced until the residual risk is less than the tolerable risk. Toassess these risks, the following Typicals must be applied:● EN ISO 12100-1 "Safety of Machinery - basic terminology, general principles for design"● EN ISO 13849-1 (successor to EN 954-1) "Safety-related parts of control systems"● EN ISO 14121-1 (previously EN 1050, Paragraph 5) "Safety of machinery - riskassessment"EN ISO 12100-1 focuses on the risks to be analyzed and the design principles for minimizingrisk. EN ISO 14121-1 describes the iterative process for assessing and minimizing risk toachieve the required level of safety.The risk assessment is a procedure that allows hazards resulting from machines to besystematically investigated. Where necessary, the risk assessment is followed by a riskreduction procedure. When the procedure is repeated, this is known as an iterative process.This can help eliminate hazards (as far as this is possible) and can act as a basis forimplementing suitable protective measures.The risk assessment involves the following:● Risk analysis– Determining the limits of the machine (EN ISO 12100-1, EN ISO 14121-1Paragraph 5)– Identifying the hazards (EN ISO 12100-1, EN ISO 14121-1 Paragraph 6)– Estimating the level of risk (EN 1050 Paragraph 7)● Risk assessment (EN ISO 14121-1 Paragraph 8)As part of the iterative process to achieve the required level of safety, a risk assessment iscarried out after the risk estimation. A decision must be made here as to whether theresidual risk needs to be reduced. If the risk is to be further reduced, suitable protectivemeasures must be selected and applied. The risk assessment must then be repeated.