Basics of communication with Industrial Ethernet1.3 Technologies of Industrial EthernetIndustrial Ethernet30 System Manual, 09/2019, C79000-G8976-C242-10You have entered the following: for the subnet mask; for the IPaddress and for the gateway address. Only the fourth decimal number of the IPaddress and gateway address may be different. In the example, however, the 3rd position isdifferent.You must, therefore, change one of the following in the example:The subnet mask to: orthe IP address to orthe gateway address to: Structure of an IPv6 addressIPv6 address format - notationIPv6 addresses consist of 8 fields each with four-character hexadecimal numbers (128 bits intotal). The fields are separated by a colon.Example:fd00:0000:0000:ffff:02d1:7d01:0000:8f21Rules / simplifications:● If one or more fields have the value 0, a shortened notation is possible.The address fd00:0000:0000:ffff:02d1:7d01:0000:8f21 can also be shortened and writtenas follows:fd00::ffff:02d1:7d01:0000:8f21To ensure uniqueness, this shortened form can only be used once within the entireaddress.● Leading zeros within a field can be omitted.The address fd00:0000:0000:ffff:02d1:7d01:0000:8f21 can also be shortened and writtenas follows:fd00::ffff:2d1:7d01:0000:8f21● Decimal notation with periodsThe last 2 fields or 4 bytes can be written in the normal decimal notation with periods.Example: The IPv6 address fd00::ffff. is equivalent to fd00::ffff:7d01:1