Controllers4.5 Relay and fieldbus interfacesATD4xxW Door Controller for Industrial ApplicationsSystem Manual, 01/2017, A5E38080677-AB 113TaskThe relay module's relay contacts can be used to report the following door states to thehigher-level controller:Table 4- 5 SIDOOR ATD401W door statesRelaycontactDesignation FunctionX11 CLOSE(closed)The system's internal door state "closed" is signaled via this relay (relay contact is closed).This state is not only position-dependent. Note the following conditions:• The "closed" state can only be achieved with a drive order• The "closed" state cannot be achieved by external pushing• The "closed" state can be terminated by means of a drive order or external pushingX12 REVERSE(reversing)The relay is additionally influenced by the sensor configuration (parameter p4600). See alsosection Sensors and external sensor interface module (Page 152).• Sensor function test inactiveThe control signals that the current drive order's direction is reversed.Example: automatic reversing due to an obstruction, provided that the applicable revers-ing response is parameterized.The relay is active as long as the current drive order is inversed.• Sensor function test activeThe "TestOUT" sensor function test signal is output.X13 OPEN The system's internal door state "open" is signaled via this relay (relay contact is closed).This state essentially depends on the current door position.• The "open" state can be achieved both by means of a drive order and also by externalpushing.• The state can be terminated by means of a drive order or external pushingX11 andX13FAULT There is a fault in the system if both relays are simultaneously active (relay contacts closed).