SATURN IIE EPABX A30808-X5130-6120-1-8928Installation Test Procedures Issue 1, May 1986System T+R Connecting Block IInterfacing\C o n n e c t i n g B l o c k System MDF Cable J32, J34, J36, J38,J40, J42 or J44 from the Basic shelf or(Optional) J26, J28. J30, J32, J34, J36, J38 or J40 iUNA Signaling Device from the LTU shelf- - - - - a - - - - - - -With an- - - - - - SLMAISLAlG PC13Notes: Dashed lines represent installation-dependent cross-connections.System MDF Cable connections are shown for an SLMA PCS. For SLA16connections, refer to Figure 6.03.An AC signaling device operated by 20Hz ringing voltage must be con-nected to an SLMA circuit used for UNA. Each UNA circuit will drive upto four equivalent ringer loads. For installations requiring -48Vdc or a drycontact closure for UNA. appropriate external equipment must be used.The system will support up to four UNA signaling zones (i.e.; ZUNA); oneSLMA circuit is assigned per zone.Figure 6.18 U n i v e r s a l N i g h t A n s w e r ( U N A ) C r o s s - C o n n e c t i o n s6-11