I’A30808-X5130-(3120-l-8928Issue 1, May 1986T a b l e 5 . 0 2 LED Display Values for Loading ErrorsHEXCCDE ERRCR DETECTED0123456:DEF89AI3Start of self test not haltedMain processor errorEPROM checksum errorMEM slot 0 low 64k test error8k by 8 static RAM test errorIRAM memory test errorO R A M memory test errorSIB side errorGlobal memory errorWatchdog iimer errorSIB serial loopback test errorSIB counter timing test errorStart boot process (self test done)Disk coniroller errorDrive not ready errorCRC retry errcrs exceed 8ST0LEDOFF:zOFFOFFOFFOFFOFFONONONONONONONONNotes:I S T 1LEDOFFOFFOFFOFFONON%ONONON%FOFFOFFOFFS T 2LEDOFFOFFONONOFFOFF%OFFOFFON%FOFFONONS T 3LEDOFFONOFFONOFFONOFFONOFFONOFFONOFFONOFFONACTION_._________-________N o t e 1N o t e 1Notes 1 and 3N o i e 1N o t e 1N o t e 1N o t e 1NOieS 1 and 3N o t e 1N o t e 1N o t e 1_ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ - - _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ - -N o t e ‘ 1Note 2Note 21 . Upon failure, retry loading procedure. If failure persists, replace CIOP PC3.2 . Upon failure, retry loading procedure using another set of floppy disks. If failure persists, chcc!i/replace disk drivesand then CIOP PCB, if necessary.3 . If reload and CIOP PCB replacement (Noie 1) is not effective, replace memory PCBs starting from sloi 0 until failureis no longer present.Figure 5.01 Po*wr Sys?em Unit (Front View)