I .-SATURN IIE EPABX A30808-X5130-B120-l-B928lnstallatlon Test Procedures Issue 1, May 1986,-Syslein MDF Cable J13C r o s s - c o n n e c t .to S L M A c i r c u i t d e s i g n a t e df o r t h e m a i n t e n a n c e t e l e p h o n e .1 PXFER (No&h Ooen1J , IP X F E R ( N o r m a l l y C l o s e d )Cross-connect to failure transferrelay(s) subsystem (customer-p r o v i d e d ) .\$$! > :tG TIP( M a j o r - N C )> R I N G ( M a j o r C o m m o n )0 1 4 D > FUBL TIP (Major-NO)Dry contact closuresfor remoie miner andm a j o r a l a r m i n d i c a -tions (customer-p r o v i d e d ) .Syslem Maiafcnancc Connecting BlsckFigure 6.00 Mainienance Phone and Mainienance-Related Cross-ConneciionsSystem MDF Cable 144 from Basic ShelfrSystem T&R Connecting BlockCross-connect to SLMA circuit idesignated for Modem application. !Note: The cross-connections shown are used for theRAUP PCB.Figure G.01 Modem Cross-Connections