4 Configuration/EngineeringEtherNet/IP ScannerEntry-ID: 109782314, V1.1.0, 04/2021 22© Siemens AG 2021 All rights reservedAssemblyID and Connection Point IDsThey are called the Assembly instances, AssemblyIDs, or pointIdentifier. The EDSfile contains them in a somewhat cryptic way in the [Connection Manager] section.In the below shown figure the with “Path” commented line (line 202) is of particularinterest as it contains the access path to the assembly objects.Figure 4-9 [Connection Manager] section AssemblyIDsThe access path is a series of hexadecimal numbers, which follows a specifiedformat.This series is split into segments which are in the order of:1. Class Segment (ID: 20hex) addressing the Assembly class (ClassID = 04hex)2. Instance Segment (ID 24hex or 25hex) addressing the Configuration Assembly(0307hex = 775dec)3. Connection Point Segment (ID 2Chex or 2Dhex) addressing a ConnectionPoint (300hex = 768dec)4. Connection Point Segment (ID 2Chex or 2Dhex) addressing a ConnectionPoint (301hex = 769dec)The order of the connection points is also predefined and is always in the sameorder. First the OT direction (Originator to Target), which is, from the point of viewof the Scanner, the Output direction.Followed by the TO direction (Target to Originator), which is the Input direction forthe Scanner.