Operating time for IECOperating time for IEEE/ANSIReset time for IEC/IEEE/ANSITable 3-1 Constants for Operating-Curve and Reset-Curve CharacteristicsOperating Curve Reset CurveCurve Type K α P A B R nIEC-NI 0.14 0.02 – – – 9.7 2IEC-VI 13.5 1.0 – – – 43.2 2IEC-EI 80 2.0 – – – 58.2 2IEC-LTI 120 1.0 – – – 80 2IEEE/ANSI-MI – – 0.02 0.0515 0.114 4.85 2IEEE/ANSI-VI – – 2.0 19.61 0.491 21.6 2IEEE/ANSI-EI – – 2.0 28.2 0.1217 29.1 2where,I - Fault-current MagnitudeIS - Pickup settingTm - Time multiplierApplication and Settings NotesGn 51-n ElementDefault setting: DisabledThis setting is used to allow the element to be switched on and off if it is not required. A separate setting isprovided for each element. These settings can be used to select the number of elements required.Parameter State DescriptionDisabled The element is inactive.Enabled The element is active.Gn 51-n SettingDefault setting: 1.00 ⋅ IratedThis setting defines the operating current threshold of the element. The applied phase current must exceedthis setting by a factor of 1.10x for pickup of the element. The operation timing then depends on the selectedcharacteristic for the element setting. Once the current is below 1.00x the setting value, the element pickupresets and the reset characteristic is applied. This factor is always applied for 51 elements including when thecharacteristic is selected as DTL. Set this setting to suit your individual application.Gn 51-n CharDefault setting: IEC-NI = IEC normal inverseThis setting defines the characteristic of the inverse curve. Standard ANSI and IEC curves are provided asstandard. The characteristic can also be set as DTL. This increases the number of DTL elements that are avail-Functions3.3 Time-Delayed Overcurrent Protection (51)46 Reyrolle, 7SR45, Device ManualC53000-G7040-C101-2, Edition 09.2020