Test EquipmentThe following test equipment is required:• Secondary injection equipment with integral time interval meter• Primary injection equipment• A power source with rated voltage within the working range of the auxiliary-supply rating of the relay.• A power source with rated voltage within the working range of the binary input rating of the relay.• Other equipment as appropriate to the protection being commissioned. For more information, refer tothe product-specific documentation.The secondary injection equipment must be appropriate to the protection functions to be tested. Additionalequipment for general tests and for testing the communications channel is:• Laptop computer with appropriate interface equipment.• Printer to operate from the laptop computer (optional).Use of Laptop Computer to Facilitate TestingThe functions of Reydisp Evolution can be used during the commissioning tests to assist with test proceduresor to provide documentation for recording the test and test parameters. One method is to clear the eventrecords before each test is started, after the test upload from the relay, the settings, events file generated as aresult of application of the test. These files can be saved to retain a comprehensive record of that test.You can prepare the relay settings on the laptop computer (offline) or on the relay before the test. Thesesettings should be saved for reference and compared with the settings at the end of testing. This enableschecking of errors that are not introduced during testing and any temporary changes to settings to suit thetest process are returned to the required service state.A copy of the relay settings as a Rich Text Format (.rtf) file suitable for printing or for record purposes can beproduced from Reydisp Evolution as follows:• From the File menu, select Save As.• Change the File type to Export Default/ Actual Setting (.RTF) and enter a suitable file name.When testing is completed, the event records must be cleared and the settings file checked to ensure that therequired in-service settings are being applied. Tests6.2 Before Testing106 Reyrolle, 7SR45, Device ManualC53000-G7040-C101-2, Edition 09.2020