Issue 01/06 Parameter DescriptionMICROMASTER 440 Parameter List6SE6400-5BB00-0BP0 219P2182[3] Belt threshold frequency 1 Min: 0.00CStat: CUT Datatype: Float Unit: Hz Def: 5.00P-Group: ALARMS Active: Immediately QuickComm.: No Max: 650.00Sets a frequency threshold 1 for comparing actual torque to torque the envelope for belt failure detection.The frequency torque envelope is defined by 9 parameters - 3 are frequency parameters (P2182 - P2184),and the other 6 define the low and high torque limits (P2185 - P2190) for each frequency (see diagrambelow).P2189Upper torque threshold 3P2190Lower torque threshold 3P2187Upper torque threshold 2P2188Lower torque threshold 2P2185Upper torque threshold 1P2186Lower torque threshold 1Boundary zonesDe-activated monitoring Envelope curveActive monitoringP2182Threshold frequency 1P2183Threshold frequency 2 P2184Threshold frequency 3|Torque| [Nm]|Frequency|[Hz]P1082Max. frequencyP1080Min. frequencyThe allowed frequency/torque region is defined by the shaded area. When the torque falls outside the areashown, a trip or warning occurs (see parameter P2181).Index:P2182[0] : 1st. Drive data set (DDS)P2182[1] : 2nd. Drive data set (DDS)P2182[2] : 3rd. Drive data set (DDS)Note:- The load torque monitoring function is not active below the frequency defined in P2182 and above thefrequency defined in P2184.- The current and torque limits of the drive inverter and motor still apply over the complete frequencyrange.- The drive inverter output frequency is defined using Parameter P1080 and P1082. These limits shouldbe carefully observed for the load torque monitoring frequencies.P2183[3] Belt threshold frequency 2 Min: 0.00CStat: CUT Datatype: Float Unit: Hz Def: 30.00P-Group: ALARMS Active: Immediately QuickComm.: No Max: 650.00Sets a threshold F2 for comparing actual torque to torque the envelope for belt failure detection.Index:P2183[0] : 1st. Drive data set (DDS)P2183[1] : 2nd. Drive data set (DDS)P2183[2] : 3rd. Drive data set (DDS)Details:See P2182 (belt threshold frequency 1).Level3Level2www . ElectricalPartManuals . com