Parameterdarstellung auf Basis der Menüstruktur AZL - Ebene «OEM» - Auslieferstand Siemens Landis&StaefaMenu level 1 Menu level 2 Menu level 3 Menu level 4 Menu level 5 Menu level 6 Description Value range AccessrightsDefaultparametersettingLMV51 LMV52135/278Siemens Building Technologies Basic Documentation LMV51... CC1P7550enHVAC Products 7 Display and operating unit AZL5... 01.10.2003ContrlParamListPID control parameters User x xStandardParam Selection of standard parameter sets for the load controller Adaptionvery fastfastnormalslowvery slowUser - x xP-Part (Xp) Controller parameter proportional band 2..500 % User 15% x xI-Part (Tn) Controller parameter integral part 0..2000s User 320s x xD-Part (Tv) Controller parameter differential part 0..1000s User 40s x xMinActuatorStep Minimum actuator step possible 0,5..10 % User 1% x xSW_FilterTmeConSoftware filter time constant 1..10 s User 3s x xSetpointW1 Internal setpoint W1, in °CInternal setpoint W1, in bar0..2000 °C0..100barUser - x xSetpointW2 Internal setpoint W2, in °CInternal setpoint W2, in bar0..2000 °C0..100barUser - x xSD_ModOn Two-position controller switching differential burner ONmodulating referred to the current setpoint (Wcurrent)-50..+50 % Wcurrent User 1.0% x xSD_ModOff Two-position controller switching differential burner OFFmodulating referred to the current setpoint (Wcurrent)0..+50 % Wcurrent User 10% x xSD_Stage1On Two-position controller switching differential burner ONmultistage referred to the current setpoint (Wcurrent)-50..+50 % Wcurrent User -2% x xSD_Stage1Off Two-position controller switching differential stage 1 OFFreferred to the current setpoint (Wcurrent)0..+50 % Wcurrent User 10% x xSD_Stage2Off Two-position controller switching differential stage 2 OFFreferred to the current setpoint (Wcurrent)0..+50 % Wcurrent User 8% x xSD_Stage3Off Two-position controller switching differential stage 3_1 OFFreferred to the current setpoint (Wcurrent)0..+50 % Wcurrent User 6% x xThreshStage2On Reaction threshold Q2 for switching on stage 2(integral control deviation * time)0..1000 User 300 x x