CUSTOM SETTINGS2-18Structure of the custom settings menuThe "CUSTOM SETTINGS" are arranged as shown below.Press the key or key to move through the settings in any level of the menu.To select a setting or store a selection for setting, press the [OK] key.To move back to the previous level after completing a setting or to cancel the selection of a setting, press the[BACK/C] key.[C] may appear in a display message. This indicates the [BACK/C] key.To correct an accidental selection, press the [BACK/C] key.[OK][BACK/C][BACK/C][OK][OK][BACK/C][OK][BACK/C][OK][OK][OK][BACK/C][OK][BACK/C][OK][BACK/C][BACK/C][OK][OK][BACK/C][OK][OK][ ] [ ][ ] [ ]See page 2-11 for an explanation ofthe levels of "TRAY SETTING".The setting is stored. For anexplanation of the setting, seepage 2-19.The total count page willbe printed.LEVEL1 LEVEL2 LEVEL3TRAY SETTINGPRINT LISTTOTAL COUNTCLOCKAUTO TRAY SWITCHING[ ] [ ][ ] [ ][ ] [ ][ ] [ ]Select ON or OFF withthe or key.Select one of thefollowing test pages withthe or key.• PRINTER SETTINGS LIST• PCL FONT LIST• PCL SYMBOL SET• NIC PAGE• PS FONT LISTSelect one of thefollowing counts with theor key.• COLOUR PRINTS• B/W PRINTS• DUPLEX• STAPLER• OTHERS(COLOUR)• OTHERS(B/W)Set the year, month,day, hour and minute.Select the desiredsettings with the orkey, pressing the [OK]key after each setting.Select YES or NO withthe or key.The selected test page will beprinted. See page 2-19 for anexplanation of the print list.The selected count isdisplayed. See page 2-19 for an explanationof count display.The setting is stored.For an explanation ofthe setting, see page2-19.The setting is stored.For an explanation ofthe setting, see page2-19.DISPLAY TOTAL COUNTPRINT TOTAL COUNTCLOCK ADJUSTDAYLIGHT SAVING TIMESETTINGCUSTOM SETTINGS