-15 Reinstalling the “Sharp AN-WC11B Wireless LAN PC Card” driverThe AN-WC11B Wireless LAN PC Card driver should be uninstalled before reinstalling.1 Click the “Start” menu, “Settings”, and then “Control Panel”.2 Double click “System”, and then select the “Hardware” tab.3 Click “Device Manager” , and then [+] in “Network adapters”.4 Select the “Sharp AN-WC11B Wireless LAN PC Card”, and then click “Uninstall”.5 Click “OK”.6 Make sure that the PC card adapter icon has disappeared from the status bar, andremove the “Sharp AN-WC11B Wireless LAN PC Card” from the computer’s PCcard slot.• Depending on the operating system, the LINK indicator on the Wireless LAN PC Card maystay lit. This does not indicate a malfunction.For information about how to remove the PC card, refer to the documentation that comes withyour computer.Before removing the card, make sure that the two icons have disappeared.