29Chapter 8 WarrantyWarranty Time Period and Repair CoverageSAN JOSE NAVIGATION, INC. warrants TRACKSTARIII to be free from all defects andmalfunctions in materials and workmanship for a period of 12 months from the original purchase datefrom San Jose Navigation or authorized dealers. If the equipment functions improperly during thewarranty period, San Jose Navigation will either repair or replace the unit without charge. Such repairservice will include necessary adjustment, remanufacture, and replacement. The product should bereturned freight-prepaid by the purchaser within valid warranty period. Notice that you must contactSan Jose Navigation for a RMA (Return Material Authorization) number before returning thegoods for repair.Telephone assistance will also be provided during the warranty period.LimitationsThis warranty is limited only to the repair or replacement of defective parts confirmed by San JoseNavigation to be a result of faulty materials or workmanship. Instruments mechanically or physicallydamaged due to the following conditions are beyond our warranty:1. Neglect, misuse or abuse, such as incorrect testing, installation, or operation.2. Place subject in extreme environments beyond the limits of the specifications.3. Subjected to disassembling, soldering, alteration, unauthorized repair, and electrical shockby nature.4. Any incidental or consequential losses or damages result from the purchase.5. Disaster, accident, cost or loss of any substitutive equipment.For damages caused under the above conditions, we'll contact you to discuss replacement options.SSAANNJJOOSSEE NNAAVVIIGGAATTIIOONN,, IINNCC..9F NO. 105 SHI-CHENG ROAD, PAN-CHIAO CITYTAIPEI HSIEN, TAIWAN, R.O.C.TEL: 886-2-26879500FAX: 886-2-26878893WWW.SANAV.COM