2-916MWSLIThis card is a sixteen circuit analog station interface for industry standard single line telephones thatrequire operation of an industry standard message waiting lamp with a voltage range of 85 ~ 96 VDC.The lamp can be programmed to be on continuously or flash at a programmable rate of 100ms to2000ms ON/OFF times. The 16MWSLI does not contain any over-voltage protection and is notqualified as OPX. It also does not contain DTMF receivers, but instead shares the system DSPresources. It can be inserted in any universal card slot in all cabinets. Each port on this card isintended for connection to one telephone. Connecting multiple telephones to a port may result inincorrect operation or damage to the card. See the installation manual Chatper 3 for details.OTHER CARDSAuto AttendantThis optional card can be used for either the Automated Attendant, Uniform Call Distribution or acombination of both. For more information about the Automated Attendant and UCD, see Chapter 4,‘System Features’ section.SVMi-8The SVMi-8 Voice Mail system is a fully integrated Auto Attendant/Voice Mail/Fax System on asingle DCS circuit card. This optional card is designated the SVMi-8 and provides 4 or 8 channels ofcommunication. Only one card is permitted per system and it can be installed in any universal cardslot.This fully featured self contained system is connected directly to the DCS data bus and communicateswith the DCS processor. This design means that installation time is minimized, operation isstreamlined and many features can be implemented that are not normally possible with olderconventional stand alone Voice Mail/Auto Attendant systems.All power to run this self contained system comes from the DCS telephone system power supply.Each of the DCS power supply is rated according to the number of stations it will support. WhenSVMi-8 is installed it counts as (8) eight stations of the PSU rating regardless of the number of VoiceProcessing Modules installed.