ŝ82Şڼڽھڿۀہ ۄۇۅۆ؆؇؈ڻ ں ڹ ؉No. Description Icon Page1 Image size p.702 Metering p.433 Battery status p.174 Date 2005.07.01 p.1175 Time 13:00 PM p.1176 Contrast p.737 Saturation p.748 Quality p.719 Sharpness p.7510 Focal Length 28mm p.4411 Exposure compensation p.50ƈ The LCD displays shooting information about the displayed image.ƈ Refer to page 63 for more information about selecting an LCD.Rear LCD/ Finder LCD[ Image & Full information ]ۂ ۃLCD monitor indicator