ABOUT THIS BOOKThe new Samsung Multimedia Telephone SMT-i5220 keyset is part of theOfficeServ 7000 Series.The SMT-i5220 keyset represents a new concept of Internet phone, in that it usesan IP address to Send/Receive voice and data. For voice communications, the SMT-i5220 uses the data network line already in place in most offices and increasingnumber of homes.This guide contains 6 sections: Section 1. Caution and Preparation, Section 2.Phone Functions, Section 3. Frequently Used Feature Operation, Section 4. PhoneFeatures, Section 5. OfficeServ 7000 System Features and Section 6. Applications.Please take the time to study this guide and to become familiar with the operationof your keyset. Keep this guide handy, as you may need to look up instructions forinfrequently used features.This book is written based on factory default settings, for the feature access codes.Sometimes, due to programming requirements, these codes may be changed. Ifyou find that a feature code does not work as described in this book, please con-tact your installation and service company to determine the correct code.1smt_5220_user_guide.qxp 4/26/2010 2:48 PM Page 1