Control Systems32II Individual control systems3. Wired remote controller5) DisplayMWR-SH00NError displayt &SSPSDPEFTPGGPSUIFTJNQMJGJFEXJSFESFNPUFDPOUSPMMFSBOEUIFQSPEVDUDPOOFDUFEUPJUXJMMCFEJTQMBZFEPOUIF-$%EJTQMBZf8IFOBOFSSPSPDDVSTJOZPVSJOEPPSPVUEPPSVOJUT 1SPEVDUHSPVQEJTQMBZ" t Address of the product with error and the error code will be displayed alternately.&YBNQMFError 121 occurs for indoor unit No. 10 (Decimal digits)f When an error occurs in your simplified wired remote controllert Only an error code will be displayed. (No address will be displayed)&YBNQMFError 601 has occurred on simplified remote controllerRefers to the indoor unit Outdoor unit address(Displayed in hexadecimal)Indoor unit Main address(Displayed in hexadecimal)Error codeNo. Error code Description of the error Remarks1 t Communication error between wired remote controller ¥ Indoor unit -2 t Communication error between Master ¥ Slave wired remote controller- Error is only detected on slave wired remote controller -3 t Communication tracking error between wired remote controller ¥ Indoor unit -4 t Exceeded maximum number of units (16 units) -5 t 5XPPSNPSFXJSFESFNPUFDPOUSPMMFSTBSFTFUBT4MBWF -6t .FNPSZ FYUFSOBM30. SFBEXSJUFFSSPS5IJTFSSPSJTEFUFDUFEPOMZEVSJOHQPXFSSFTFU*GFSSPSPDDVSTPONFNPSZafter power has turned on, it will not effect on operation of the wireremote controller display and therefore error code will not be displayed.-