1873) Description of partsNo. Name DescriptionReset button Use to reset S-checkerPower button Use to turn on/off the power for S-checker.Report button Use to create report for test run.Temperature sensor inpsectionconnector 1$POOFDUPSGPSUFNQFSBUVSFTFOTPSUIBUJTDPOOFDUFEUPQJUDIQJODPOOFDUPSTemperature value can be checked from the S-checker by connecting the temperature sensordirectly.Temperature sensor inpsectionconnector 2$POOFDUPSGPSUFNQFSBUVSFTFOTPSUIBUJTDPOOFDUFEUPQJUDIQJODPOOFDUPSTemperature value can be checked from the S-checker by connecting the temperature sensordirectlyPressure sensor inspectionconnector (4 pin)Connector for connecting high/low pressure sensor of the outdoor unit.1SFTTVSFWBMVFDBOCFDIFDLFEGSPNUIF4DIFDLFSCZDPOOFDUJOHUIFUFNQFSBUVSFTFOTPSEJSFDUMZSystem operation status LED Turns on when the S-Checker is operating normally.Wi-Fi connection LED Turns on when the data is being tranmitted to mobile through Wi-FiRS-485 operation status LED Turns on when data is transmitted and received through RS-485 communicationSystem Error LED Turns on when error occurs on S-checker.LCD display Check the current information and the items in menu that can be selected by menu buttons.Menu buttons Use to move and select from menu.USB for S-Net Pro 2 .JOJ64#GPSDPOOFDUJOHXJUI4/&51SPUSB for system Use to download program etc.IR tranceiver Use to transmit IR.Micro SD slot Slot to insert Micro SD card.PBA download connector 6TFUPEPXOMPBE4DIFDLFSUISPVHI1$EEV inspection connector 1 (5Pin) $IFDLGPSFSSPSPO&&7TFOTPS $".5ZQF 1JO EEV inspection connector 2 (6Pin) $IFDLGPSFSSPSPO&&7TFOTPS &%.5ZQF 1JODC 12 V adapter Use to connect independent 12 V power.DC 12 V connector Connector to use 12V power from air-conditionerRS-485 connector Connector for RS-485 communication.DC JACK DC 12 VLive Wi-Fi 485 ErrorRS-485Micro-SD S-NET LINKPRESSUREEEV1EEV2DOWNLOADTEMP.2 TEMP.1 REPORT POWEROFF/ONRESET5&4536/500-'034:45&.AIR CONDITIONER INSTALLATION[¥]UwGG ¥UGGGX_^ YWX[TW[TY\GGG㝘䟸G[aZ]a\W