135POWERDISTRIBUTION SYSTEMMain menu Sub menu DescriptionCheck1VMTF*OQVUWhen pulse input is detected during the test period, the channel numbers are displayed.Otherwise, the character ‘X’ is displayed on the corresponding channel position.COM CheckMake a loopback connection between COM1 and COM2 to check if the DMS2communication channel is working or not. Care must be taken for the connection polarity.When the COM1 communication channel is normal, the message ‘OK’ is displayed on theLCD window.1VMTF8JEUIIt checks if the pulse width values of actually connected meter are valid or not.t0,8IFOUIFQVMTFJTWBMJE QVMTFJTWBMJEXIFOIJHIQVMTFJTCFUXFFO_NTFD 0,(M:####msec) will be displayed. #### represents the duration of the high pulse.t/(8IFOUIFQVMTFJTJOWBMJE QVMTFJTWBMJEXIFOIJHIQVMTFJTCFUXFFO_NTFD PSXIFOUIFSFJTOPQVMTFJOQVUTGPSTFDPOET /( .NTFD XJMMCFEJTQMBZFE1*.EPFTOPUDBMDVMBUFUIFFOFSHZDPOTVNQUJPOEVSJOHUIFDIFDLJOHQSPDFTT5IFcalculation will start after the check and returning to the upper menu.3.3 Pulse WidthCH1 Check OKCH1 Check StartChecking...CH1 Check EndNG (M:0000msec)[¥]UwGG ¥UGGGXZ\ YWX[TW[TY\GGG㝘䟸G[aZ]aZX