7ENGLISH3. Ƹϑʪϩиͱͱθ͔ͱθʪϑʀθʪиϑϩͱѣуϩ˵ʪɵɇʀ̧ʀͱЭʪθϩͱϩ˵ʪиɇ̷̷ࢋAͱ͝͝ʪʀ ϩϩ˵ʪΧͱиʪθʀɇɵ̷ʪϑ࣍ǤࡡߢǤߣ࣎ɇ͝ʒcommunication cables (F1, F2) to the terminals on the back of the front cover while adjusting to a suitablelength.4. Ǯ˵ʪ͝ʀͱ͝͝ʪʀϩ̈͝˝ϩ˵ʪΧͱиʪθʀɇɵ̷ʪϑϩͱǤߢɇ͝ʒǤࡡߣ˙ɇϑϩʪ͝ϩ˵ʪťA9ϩ ʪθ͔̈͝ɇ̷ϑʀθʪиϑ࣍AĘߦ࣎ϩͱɇϩͱθαЇʪͱ˙ߧĘࡔʀ͔ͱθ̷ʪϑϑࢋƊʀθʪиϑ̈іʪࡠđߤईуईߧ• You can connect up to 16 indoor units to a Wi-Fi Kit.ߣ ߤǤ ߣǤߤ ߥ ߦ庢庥 度ⓐ庤庣10 (0.4)and over10 (0.4) and over50 (2) and over10 (0.4) and overScrewholes࢘ Be sure to secure space of at least10 mm (0.4 inch) (up/right/left)and 50 mm (2 inch) (down)around the back cover beforeѣӱ͝˝ϩ˵ʪɵɇʀ̧ʀͱЭʪθͱ͝ϩ˵ʪиɇ̷̷ࢋ࢘ Fix the screws to thescrew holes.࢘ Do not over-tighten the PCBterminal.ߣߢߣǤߢǤWi-Fi KitPCB portIndoor unit[Unit : mm (inch)]Back overItem Contents Item Contents庡 Power/communication terminals 庤 LED庢 Tracking/Reset button 庥 Ęʪϩиͱθ̧ť9庣 Micro SD card slot 度 Interface module PBA5. Assemble the Wi-Fi Kit again.• Ã͝ϑʪθϩϩ˵ʪ˙θͱ͝ϩʀͱЭʪθϩͱϩ˵ʪЇΧΧʪθ˝θͱͱЭʪϑɇϑϑ˵ͱӥ͝͝ϩ˵ʪѣ˝Ї θʪࢋ˙ϩʪθɇϑϑʪ͔ɵ̷цࡡ͔ɇ̧ʪsure that there is no gap between the covers.NOTENOTEzvsGvjmG~TmGrp{G㨰䛙Gpiptluki]_TW_[Y\hTWWUGGG^ YWX`TW]TX_GGG㝘䟸G\aX\aYX