4Safety precautionsCAUTION• Uͱ͝ͱϩ̈͝ϑϩɇ̷̷ϩ˵ʪΧθͱʒЇʀϩ̈͝ɇΧ̷ɇʀʪи˵ʪθʪ̈ϩ̈ϑͱθ͔̈˝˵ϩɵʪʪ уΧͱϑʪʒϩͱ̈͝Ѥɇ͔͔ɇɵ̷ʪ˝ɇϑ̷ʪɇ̧ɇ˝ʪࢋ- Ɵ˵ʪθʪ̈ϑθ̈ϑ̧ͱ˙ѣθʪͱθʪуΧ̷ͱϑ̈ͱ͝ࢋ• Do not install the product in a place where it will be exposed to oil or vapor etc.- If the product is used in a place where it is exposed to oil, vapor or sulphur dioxide, parts of the productmay get damaged or product may function abnormally.• Make sure that water does not get into the Wi-Fi Kit.- Ɵ˵ʪθʪ̈ϑθ̈ϑ̧ͱ˙ʪ̷ʪʀϩθ̈ʀϑ˵ͱʀ̧ɇ͝ʒѣθʪࢋ• Make sure there is no tension to the cable during installation.- Aɇɵ̷ʪ͔ɇц˝ʪϩʀЇϩɇ͝ʒʀɇЇϑʪѣθʪࢋ• Install the product in a place with temperature between 0 °C~39 °C (32 °F~102 °F) with no direct sunlight.- If not, there is risk of electric shock or abnormal operation.• Do not install the product in a place where special spray or acid/alkali solution is used.- There is risk of electric shock or abnormal operation.• Do not press the buttons with sharp objects.- There is risk of electric shock or damaging the parts.• Do not connect the power cable to the communication cable terminal.- Ɵ˵ʪθʪ̈ϑθ̈ϑ̧ͱ˙ѣθʪࢋ• When installing the product in hospitals or other places, make sure that the product does not interruptwith other products.- Abnormal operation may occur.• This wireless device has a possibility of radio wave interference during operation.zvsGvjmG~TmGrp{G㨰䛙Gpiptluki]_TW_[Y\hTWWUGGG[ YWX`TW]TX_GGG㝘䟸G\aX\aYW