17ENGLISHSmartThings appTo use the SmartThings app, connect the product to the network in the sequence described below.The images shown may differ depending on your smartphone model, OS version and manufacturer.You need to set up the Wi-Fi access point only when connecting the product to a Wi-Fi network. Once theproduct is connected, you can use the SmartThings app via Wi-Fi, 3G, LTE or more wireless networks.Checking the power connectionsCheck if the power is connected to the product and the access point.Setting up and connecting to a Wi-Fi access point using your smartphone1. To connect the product to a Wi-Fi network, turn on Wi-Fi at “Settings > Wi-Fi", and then select the accesspoint to connect to• Only alphanumeric characters are supported for wireless access point names (SSIDs).If an SSID has a special character, rename it before connecting to it.SAMSUNG_2GSAMSUNG_5GOnSelect2. ƟЇθ̈͝͝˝ͱ˙˙ࣨƊđŵƟĘkƟǮĮŵçƊǮÃƟA²ɇϩࣨƊʪϩϩ̈͝˝ϑौǮ̈ࣗ̈ͱ͝цͱЇ θƊ͔ɇθϩΧ˵ͱ͝ʪ• Ã˙ࣨƊđŵƟĘkƟǮĮŵçƊǮÃƟA²ͱθࣨʒɇΧϩ̈ЭʪǮ̈ࣗ̈̈ϑϩЇθ͝ʪʒͱ͝ࡡцͱЇ ʀɇ͝͝ͱϩʀͱ͝͝ʪʀϩϩͱϩ˵ʪ͝ʪϩиͱθ̧ࢋ9ʪϑЇθʪto turn off these functions before connecting to the network.Off Off• The setup may differ depending on your smartphone model, OS version and manufacturer.3. Checking the Internet connectivity• After connecting to Wi-Fi, check that your smartphone is connected to the Internet.• ѣθʪиɇ̷̷͔ɇцΧθʪЭʪ͝ϩцͱЇθϑ͔ɇθϩΧ˵ͱ͝ʪ˙θͱ͔ʀͱ͝͝ʪʀϩ̈͝˝ϩͱϩ˵ʪÃ͝ ϩʪθ͝ʪϩࢋÃ͝ϩ˵̈ϑʀɇϑʪࡡʀͱ͝ϩɇʀϩцͱЇθInternet service provider for troubleshooting.NOTENOTEzvsGvjmG~TmGrp{G㨰䛙Gpiptluki]_TW_[Y\hTWWUGGGX^ YWX`TW]TX_GGG㝘䟸G\aX\aY[