35 - EnglishPlaying ContentShuffling Tracks on an Audio CDYou can set the product to play tracks on an audioCD (CD-DA/MP3) at random.1. During playback, use the ,.:; buttons toselect in the lower left corner of the screen,and then press the OK button.2. Use the 78 to set the Shuffle mode Off or On,and then press the OK button.Using Play Selected with a CommercialCD1. On the Track List screen, select Settings ( )on the bottom left, and then press the OKbutton. The Settings menu appears.2. Select Play Selected, and then press the OKbutton. The Play Selected screen appears.3. Use the 78 buttons to select a track, and thenpress the OK button. A check appears to the leftof the track.4. Repeat Step 3 to select and check additionaltracks.5. To remove a track from the list, move to thetrack, and then press the OK button again. Thecheck on the track is removed.6. When done, select Play on the bottom left, andthen press the OK button. The Track List screenreappears listing only the tracks you checked.The selected tracks play automatically.7. To cancel the Play Selected list, select Settings( ) on the bottom left of the Track list screen.On the Settings menu select Play All. The TrackList screen reappears with all tracks on the CDlisted.✎ You can select up to 99 tracks from an Audio CD(CD-DA) using Play Selected.✎ On the Play Selected screen, you can alsochoose Select All, Clear All, and Cancel.- Use Select All to select all tracks. This cancelsyour individual track selections. When youpress the ' (RETURN) button on your remoteor select Play and then press the OK button,all tracks will appear on the Track List screen,and the product will begin to play all tracks fromTrack 001.- Use Clear All to deselect all selected tracksat once. Then, select individual tracks or useSelect All to select all the tracks, and then pressthe ' (RETURN) button on your remote orselect Play and then press the OK button. If youdo not use Select All or select individual tracks,the Play Selected list will not change.- Cancel cancels any changes you made on thePlay Selected screen. When you return to theTrack List screen, the Play Selected list will beunchanged.Using Play Selected with Self-RecordedMedia (CDs, USB Devices, etc.)1. Insert a self-recorded CD or USB device withself-recorded files into the home cinema. TheNew device connected. pop-up appears.2. Select Music, and then press the OK buttonon your remote. The File List screen appearsdisplaying icons for tracks, folders, or both.3. If necessary, use the 78:; buttons to selecta folder, and then press the OK button.4. When the tracks you want to play are displayed,select Options in the upper right, and then pressthe OK button.5. Select Play Selected, and then press the OKbutton. Check boxes appear on the upper leftsides of the track icons.6. Use the 78:; buttons to select a track, andthen press the OK button. A check appears inthe check box.7. Repeat Step 6 to check and select additionaltracks.8. To remove a track from the list, move to thetrack, and then press the OK button again. Thecheck on the track is removed.9. When done, select Play, and then press the OKbutton. The Track List screen appears listing onlythe tracks you checked. The selected tracksplay automatically.10. To cancel the Play Selected list, press the '(RETURN) button or the e (EXIT) button. If youpress ' (RETURN), you return to the File Listscreen. If you press e (EXIT), you go to theHome screen.