6. Communication Connection6. Communication Connection6.1 Internet Connection6.1.1 Components Wired Router (not provided in the product package) RJ45 general LAN Cable (not provided in the product package)6.1.2 Connection Block DiagramLAN (Common carrier → Router) → ESS[Figure 6-1: Internet Connection]6.1.3 Connection MethodAs shown in Subsection 6.4 on the communication terminal part, plug the RJ45 LAN Cablebetween the LAN terminal and the Router.6.2 Energy Meter Connection6.2.1 D0 Interface6.2.1.1 ComponentsD0 to RS 232 Optical Probe (Not provided in the product package) Converter Part NameKMK111RS232 Optical Probe ManufacturerZ Telemetriwww.probeformeters.com42 Australia (Eng.) 05/2015. Rev1.1