Page 383.40 ASSIGNING STATIONS TO STATION GROUPSAllows the System Administrator to assign stations to station groups. A station, common bell, andexternal amplifier can be in more than one group, but all groups must have the same ring type. There isa maximum of 48 members per group on the DCS system, 30 members for the DCS 70 and DCSCompact system and 16 members for the DCS 24.NOTES:1. A device for announcement if used, must provide a hookflash and return the call backto the group.2. The DCS Compact and DCS 70 Systems have up to a maximum 30 of members ineach group. The DCS 24 system has a maximum of 16 members and the DCS systemhas a maximum of 48 members.3. The DCS 70 will only support a maximum of 10 stations in a group with unconditionalring.GROUP TYPES0 NORMAL GROUP This is the standard station group1 VMAA GROUP Can only have distribute or sequential ringing.2 UCD GROUP Has a wrap up capability.3 AA GROUP Can only have distribute or sequential ringing.FEATURE KEY0 TYPE Group type (Normal, VM/AA, UCD)1 RING Ring mode2 OVERFLOW Overflow time3 GRP TRSF Group transfer time4 WRAP-UP * Wrap-up time (timer only valid in type = UCD)5 NEXT PORT Overflow port6 MEMBER Group member (eg., station 202)* The Wrap timer is not available on the DCS 70 in the program.RING MODES0 SEQUENTIAL The first idle station listed in the group will ring. If the first is busy, thenext idle station will ring.1 DISTRIBUTE The first call will ring the first station listed in the group. The next callwill ring the next station listed in the group.2 UNCONDITION All the stations listed in the group will ring, busy stations will receiveoff-hook ring. MAXIMUM 32 STATIONS RINGING.PROGRAM KEYSUP & DOWN Used to scroll through optionsKEYPAD Used to enter selectionsSOFT KEYS Move cursor left and rightSPEAKER Used to store data and advance to next programHOLD Used to clear previous entry