Page 363.38 PROGRAM AUTOMATIC NIGHT MODE OPERATIONAllows the System Administrator to set the time the system will enter into night mode automatically byutilising time and day tables. A NIGHT key is not needed as the system will switch automatically.However, it is helpful to have a dedicated button so the status can be manually changed. The start timeis the time the system will switch from day to night service the end time is the next day (eg., start 1730WED, end 0800 THUR) This prevents entering of start and stop times on the same day.FEATURE KEYS0 SUN 4 THU1 MON 5 FRI2 TUE 6 SAT3 WEDPROGRAM KEYSUP & DOWN Used to scroll through optionsKEYPAD Used to enter selectionsSOFT KEYS Move cursor left and rightSPEAKER Used to store data and advance to next programHOLD Used to clear previous entryACTION DISPLAY1. Press TRSF 507 NIGHT TIME (SUN)Display shows ST : _ END :2. Dial day number (0-6 eg., 3) OR NIGHT TIME (WED)press UP or DOWN key to select day ST : _ END :and press RIGHT soft key to advancecursor to step 33. Dial in start time for night (eg.1730) NIGHT TIME (WED)If time entered is valid, cursor moves ST : 1730 END : 0800to end time enter end time If timeentered is valid, the system returns tostep 24. Press TRSF to store and exit ORpress SPEAKER to store andadvance to next program