Page 333.35 ASSIGNING BOSS SECRETARY PAIRSAllows the System Administrator to assign BOSS keysets to SECRETARY keysets. One BOSS stationcan have up to four SECRETARY stations and one SECRETARY station can have up to four BOSSstations. A dedicated BOSS button must be programmed on the SECRETARY keyset(s). A dedicatedBOSS button must be programmed on the BOSS keyset.PROGRAM KEYSUP & DOWN Used to scroll through optionsKEYPAD Used to enter selectionsSOFT KEYS Move cursor left and rightSPEAKER Used to store data and advance to next programHOLD Used to clear previous entryANS/RLS Used to select ALLF BUTTON Used to toggle BOSS/SECRETARY fieldACTION DISPLAY1. Press TRSF 303 BOSS STN : NONEDisplay shows SECR 1 : NONE2. Dial station number (eg., 205) ORpress UP or DOWN to selected station BOSS STN : 205and press RIGHT soft key, to advance SECR 1 : NONEcursor to step 3BOSS STN : [205]SECR 1 : NONE3. Dial station numberfor secretary (eg., BOSS STN : [205]201) OR press UP or DOWN to SECR 1 : [201]selected station and press RIGHT softkey to return to step 34. Press LEFT soft key to return to step 2 BOSS STN : [205]and continue entries OR Press TRSF to SECR 2 : [202]store and exit OR press SPEAKER tostore and advance to next program