Page 39SamSung WireleSS router uSer manualPort forWardIngOn this page the user will be able to forward a list of ports to an internal IP address.The following parameters can be configured:Checkbox: Tick the checkbox on the left side to enable the Port Forwarding rule.Name: Enter a name for the rule or select an application from the drop-down menu. Select anapplication and click << to populate the fields.IP Address: Enter the IP address of the computer on your local network that you want to allow theincoming service to. If your computer is receiving an IP address automatically from therouter (DHCP), you computer will be listed in the Computer Name drop-down menu.Select your computer and click <<.Ports to Open (TCP/UDP): Enter the external port number in the appropriate space provided. If the port number isTCP then enter the number in the TCP space, and if the port number is UDP than enter itin the UDP space.Schedule: Use the drop-down menu to schedule the time that the Port Forwarding rule will be ena-bled. The schedule may be set to Always, which will allow the particular service to alwaysbe enabled. You can create your own times in the Schedules page.Inbound Filter: Select the inbound filter rule here. Options to choose from are Allow All, Deny All, andany other custom rule created.Click on the Save Settings button to accept the changes made.Click on the Don’t Save Settings button to discard the changes made.The following section allows the user to configure the port forwarding rules.