Page 22SamSung WireleSS router uSer’S manualInternet Connection Type: Dynamic IP (DHCP)If your IP uses Dynamic Addresses and provides IP addresses directly to your computer or other devices, select Dynamic IP(DHCP) from the drop-down menu to obtain IP Address information automatically. DHCP option is commonly used for cablemodem services.Click the Save Settings button to accept the changes.Click the Don’t Save Settings button to discard the changes.You can configure the following parameters:Host Name: The Host Name is optional, but may be required by some ISPs. Leave blank if you are notsure.Primary DNS Server: Enter the Primary DNS IP address here.Secondary DNS Server: Enter the Secondary DNS IP address here. This field is normally optional. Only one DNSaddress is required for a functional Internet connection, but using a second DNS addressprovides more stability.MTU: Maximum Transmission Unit. You may need to change the MTU for optimal performancewith your specific ISP. 1500 is the default MTU.MAC Address: The default MAC Address is set to the Internet port’s physical interface MAC address onthe Broadband Router. We recommend you leave it unchanged unless your are requiredto change it by your ISP. You can use the Clone Your PC’s MAC Address button toreplace the Internet port’s MAC address with the MAC address of your Ethernet card.