English _63● APPENDIXCOPY PROTECTIONBecause AACS (Advanced Access ContentSystem) is approved as content protectionsystem for BD format, similar to use of CSS(Content Scramble System) for DVD format,certain restrictions are imposed on playback,analog signal output, etc., of AACS protectedcontents. The operation of this product andrestrictions on this product may vary dependingon your time of purchase as those restrictionsmay be adopted and/or changed by AACS afterthe production of this product. Furthermore, BD-ROM Mark and BD+ are additionally used ascontent protection system for BD format, whichimposes certain restrictions including playbackrestrictions for BD-ROM Mark and/or BD+protected contents. To obtain additionalinformation on AACS, BD-ROM Mark, BD+, orthis product, please contact SAMSUNGcustomer care center.Many BD/DVD discs are encoded with copyprotection. Because of this, you should onlyconnect your Blu-ray Disc Player directly to yourTV, not to a VCR. Connecting to a VCR results ina distorted picture from copy-protected BD/DVDdiscs.This product incorporates copyright protectiontechnology that is protected by methods claimsof certain U.S. patents and other intellectualproperty rights owned by MacrovisionCorporation and other rights owners. Use of thiscopyright protection technology must beauthorized by Macrovision Corporation and isintended for home and other limited viewing usesonly, unless otherwise authorized by MacrovisionCorporation. Reverse engineering or disassemblyis prohibited.Under the U.S. Copyright laws and Copyrightlaws of other countries, unauthorized recording,use, display, distribution, or revision of televisionprograms, videotapes, BDs, DVDs, CDs andother materials may subject you to civil and/orcriminal liability.For DVD Players with 525p, but not 625p,progressive scan output :CONSUMERS SHOULD NOTE THAT NOT ALLHIGH DEFINITION TELEVISION SETS AREFULLY COMPATIBLE WITH THIS PRODUCTAND MAY CAUSE ARTIFACTS TO BEDISPLAYED IN THE PICTURE. IN CASE OF 525PROGRESSIVE SCAN PICTURE PROBLEMS, ITIS RECOMMENDED THAT THE USER SWITCHTHE CONNECTION TO THE `STANDARDDEFINITION' OUTPUT. IF THERE AREQUESTIONS REGARDING OUR TV SETCOMPATIBILITY WITH THIS MODEL 525p DVDPLAYER, PLEASE CONTACT OUR CUSTOMERSERVICE CENTER.•••••Compliance and Compatibility NoticeNOT ALL discs are compatibleSubject to the restrictions described below and thosenoted throughout this Manual, including the Disc Typeand Characteristics section of this Manual, disc typesthat can be played are: pre-recorded commercial BD-ROM, DVD-Video, and Audio CD discs; DVD-RW / DVD-R discs; and CD-RW/CD-R discs.Discs other than the above cannot and/or is not intendedto be played by this player. And some of the above discsmay not play due to one or more reasons providedbelow.HD DVD discs cannot be played in this player.Samsung cannot assure that this player will play everydisc bearing the BD-ROM, DVD-Video, DVD-RW / DVD-R and CD-RW / CD-R logos, and this player may notrespond to all operating commands or operate allfeatures of every disc. These and other disc compatibilityand player operation issues with new and existing formatdiscs are possible because:- BD format is a new and evolving format and this player maynot operate all features of BD discs because some featuresmay be optional, additional features may have been added tothe BD format after the production of this player, and certainavailable features may be subject to delayed availability;- not all new and existing disc format versions are supported bythis player;- new and existing disc formats may be revised, changed,updated, improved and/or supplemented;- some discs are produced in a manner that allows specific orlimited operation and feature during playback;- some features may be optional, additional features may havebeen added after the production of this player or certainavailable features may be subject to delayed availability;- some discs bearing the BD-ROM, DVD-Video, DVD-RW/DVD-R and CD-RW/ CD-R logos may still be non-standardized discs;- some discs may not be played depending on their physicalstate or recording conditions;- problems and error can occur during the creation of BD, DVDand CD software and/or the manufacture of discs;- this player operates differently than a standard DVD player orother AV equipment; and/or- for reasons noted throughout this Manual and for otherreason(s) discovered and posted by SAMSUNG customercare center.If you encounter disc compatibility or player operationproblems, please contact SAMSUNG customer carecenter. You may also contact SAMSUNG customer carecenter for possible updates on this player.For additional information on playback restrictions anddisc compatibility, refer to the Precautions, BeforeReading the User’s Manual, Disc Types andCharacteristics, and Before Playing sections of thisManual.••••••