39 English06 Network S ervicesUsing AppsYou can download applications from the Internet,and access various application and view them onyour TV. To access some applications, you needto have a Samsung account.The Apps Screen at a GlanceMost Popular What's new CategoriesAPPS22334455 6 7 98 101WebBrowserMy Apps (1 / 1)Recommended1 231Recommended : Displays recommendedcontents managed by Samsung. You cannot deleteRecommended Apps.2 My Apps : Displays your personal gallery ofapplications modifiable on the My Apps screen.3 Most Popular, What’s new and Categories :Select to view and download additional apps.The first time you open the Apps screen, theBlu-ray player automatically downloads agroup of free apps. Once these apps have beendownloaded, they appear on the Apps screen.To see additional apps, select Most Popular,What's new, or Categories on the bottom of thescreen, and then press the v button.Most Popular displays the most popular apps,What's new the newest. Categories displays aseries of icons representing categories such asVideos, Games, and Sports. Select a categoryicon, and then press the v button. The Blu-rayplayer displays the apps in that category.Downloading an App1. Select Most Popular, What’s New, orCategories, and then press the v button.2. If you selected Categories, select a categoryicon, and then press the v button.Otherwise, go to Step 3.| NOTE |\ On the Most Popular, What’s new, and Categoriesscreens, a green arrow is displayed on apps you havealready downloaded.3. Select an app you want to download,and then press the v button. The DetailInformation screen for the app appears.4. Select the Download button on the screen,and then press the v button. Downloadchanges to Cancel and the app begins todownload.5. If you want to cancel the download, selectCancel, and then press the v button.6. When the download is complete, Cancelchanges to Play. Select Play, and then pressthe v button to start the application.Alternately, press the RETURN button untilthe Apps screen reappears. The app youdownloaded will be displayed on the Appsscreen under My Apps.| NOTE |\ If the App cannot be downloaded due to insufficientremaining internal memory, connect a USB storage deviceand try again.