120 Section 2H: Using the Phone’s Scheduler and ToolsUsing Your Phone’s Alarm ClockYour phone comes with a built-in alarm clock with multiplealarm capabilities.To use the alarm clock:1. Press Menu ( ) to access the main menu.2. Select Tools ( ).3. Select Alarm Clock ( ).4. Select Alarm #1 ( ), Alarm #2 ( ), orAlarm #3 ( ).5. Press the navigation key left or right to select On.6. Press the navigation key down to highlight theTime ( ) field. Enter a time for the alarm using thekeypad. (Press for AM or for PM.)7. Press the navigation key down to highlight theRinger Type ( ) field.8. Press the navigation key left or right to select thedesired ringer.9. Press the navigation key down to highlight the Repeatfield. Press the navigation key left or right to select oneof the following: Daily, Once, Mon to Fri, or Sat & Sun10. Select Done ( ) to save.Tip: When an alarm alert sounds, press Dismiss (right softkey) toturn the alarm off or press Snooze (left softkey) to sound thealert again in 10 minutes.