SETTING UP THE CAMERA SYSTEM< TABLE 1 > List of menu and sub menu- Remarks : Default. x : There is no associated menu.: The setting is maintained even if the power button is turned off.: The setting is returned to default, once the camera power has been switched off.: The setting is returned to default after the function has been completed.Main menu Sub menuSINGLE x x x xCONTINUOUS x x x xCENTRAL x x x xSPOT x x xAUTO&RED EYE x x xSLOW SYNCH x x xFLASH AUTO x x x xFill in x x x xOFF x x xLARGE x x xSIZE MEDIUM x x x xSMALL x x x xSUPER FINE x x x xQUALITY FINE x x x xNORMAL x x x xAUTO x x x xDAYLIGHT x x x xFLUORESCENT x x x xTUNGSTEN x x x x+0.2 EV x x x xEV 0.0 EV x x x x-2.0 EV x x x xFULL x x x xMETERING CENTRAL x x x xSPOT x x x xAuto x x xISO 200 x x x x400 x x x xSHOOTINGFOCUSINGWHITEBALANCE