36fiflflfl flinstallationDiagram 4Diagram 2UNIT INSTALLATION WITH VERTI-CAL TERMINATION102MM X 175MM FLUEING(Rigid Flue Systems)1. Maintain the 51mm clearances (air spaces) tocombustibles when passing through ceilings,walls, roofs, enclosures, attic rafter, or othernearby combustible surfaces. Do not packair spaces with insulation. Check "Flueing"Sections for the maximum vertical rise ofthe venting system and themaximum horizontal offsetlimitations.2. Set the gas appliance inits desired location. Drop aplumb bob down from theceiling to the position of theappliance flue exit, and markthe location where the ventwill penetrate the ceiling. Drilla small hole at this point.Next, drop a plumb bob fromthe roof to the hole previ-ously drilled in the ceiling,and mark the spot wherethe vent will penetrate theroof.3. Assemble the desired lengths of pipe andelbows. Ensure that all pipes and elbow con-nections are in the fully twist-locked positionand sealed.4. Cut a hole in the roof centered on the smalldrilled hole placed in the roof in Step 2.The holeshould be of sufficient size to meet the minimumrequirements for clearance to combustibles of38mm.5. Continue to assemble pipe lengths.Note: If an offset is necessary in the atticto avoid obstructions, it is importantto support the vent pipe every 0.9metre, to avoid excessive stress onthe elbows, and possible separation.Metal Wall straps can be used. Do notcombine flueing components from othermanufacturers.Galvanized pipe is desirable above the roof spacedue to its higher corrosion resistance. Continueto add pipe sections through the flashing untilthe height of the flue cap meets the minimumheight requirements specified in Dia. 4 orlocal codes. Note that for steep roof pitches,the vertical height must be increased. A poordraft, or down drafting can result from highwind conditions near big trees or adjoiningroof lines, in these cases, increasing the flueheight may solve the problem.6. Ensure vent is vertical and secure the base ofthe flashing to the roof with roofing rails, slidestorm collar over the pipe section and seal witha mastic.7. Install the vertical termination cap.Note: Any closets or storage spaces, which thevent passes through must be enclosed.Diagram 1Note: All vertical terminations are ventedusing 102mm x 168mm venting and Simp-son Duravent only.Roof Pitch Minimum Flue HeightMetersflat to 7/12 0.61over 7/12 to 8/12 0.61over 8/12 to 9/12 0.61over 9/12 to 10/12 0.76over 10/12 to 11/12 0.99over 11/12 to 12/12 1.22over 12/12 to 14/12 1.52over 14/12 to 16/12 1.83over 16/12 to 18/12 2.13over 18/12 to 20/12 2.29over 20/12 to 21/12 2.44Note: For best results and optimumperformance with each approvedflueing system, “Mill-Pac” sealant toevery inner pipe connection. Failureto do so may result in drafting orperformance issues not coveredunder warranty.(254mm)Flue Height(Minimum600mm)As Per AS/NZS 5601