D6600 NetComD6200 Programming Software OverviewD6600 NetCom System Guide© 2001 Radionics Page 49 46542C4.11.5 Copying Account Information1. Select NetCom, then select Account Database Configuration.2. Highlight the appropriate account and then clickCopy.This will retain all account information except theIP address.The user must enter a new IP address pertainingto the new account.3. The Settings tab will automatically open.Enter the IP address under the Settings tab. SeeSection 4.11.3 Adding an Account in theDatabase.4. Click OK and the new account should appear inthe database.This tool is extremely useful when account informationis the same for several different panels.4.11.6 Deleting an Account from the Database1. Click on the NetCom menu, then select Account DatabaseConfiguration.2. Highlight the appropriate account and then click Delete.3. A window will pop up to confirm thedeletion.Click Yes or No4. Click OK.After the completion of any changes to the account database, you must first save the file to the D6200hard drive, then upload the account database file to the D6600. The new account database becomesactive in the receiver after the upload is complete.To do this, click on NetCom then Load AccountDatabase Configuration to D6600.