34 RabbitCore RCM3365/RCM33754.2 Serial CommunicationThe RCM3365/RCM3375 does not have any serial transceivers directly on the board.However, a serial interface may be incorporated into the board the RCM3365/RCM3375is mounted on. For example, the Prototyping Board has RS-232 and RS-485 transceiverchips.4.2.1 Serial PortsThere are six serial ports designated as Serial Ports A, B, C, D, E, and F. All six serialports can operate in an asynchronous mode up to the baud rate of the system clock dividedby 8. An asynchronous port can handle 7 or 8 data bits. A 9th bit address scheme, wherean additional bit is sent to mark the first byte of a message, is also supported.Serial Port A is normally used as a programming port, but may be used either as an asyn-chronous or as a clocked serial port once the RCM3365/RCM3375 has been programmedand is operating in the Run Mode.Serial Port B is available on the RCM3365/RCM3375, and may be used as anasynchronous port. PB0 is used to enable Dynamic C to detect whether the xD-PictureCard is installed. If the card detect is not needed by your application program, you mayremove R96 (see Figure A-5) to disable the xD-Picture Card detect, and then use SerialPort B as a clocked serial port.Serial Ports C and D can also be operated in the clocked serial mode. In this mode, a clockline synchronously clocks the data in or out. Either of the two communicating devices cansupply the clock.Serial Ports E and F can also be configured as HDLC serial ports. The IrDA protocol isalso supported in SDLC format by these two ports.4.2.2 Ethernet PortFigure 8 shows the pinout for the RJ-45 Ethernet port (J2). Note that some Ethernetconnectors are numbered in reverse to the order used here.Figure 8. RJ-45 Ethernet Port PinoutThree LEDs are placed next to the RJ-45 Ethernet jack, one to indicate an Ethernet link(LINK) one to indicate Ethernet activity (ACT), and one to indicate the 10/100Base-T speed.The RJ-45 connector is shielded to minimize EMI effects to/from the Ethernet signals.$-/( #2"<;&2"<;7$2"<;+2"<;7# *$-/(-7