24 RabbitCore RCM3365/RCM33753.2.3 Serial CommunicationThe following sample programs can be found in the SAMPLES\RCM3360\SERIAL folder.• FLOWCONTROL.C—This program demonstrates hardware flow control by configuringSerial Port F for CTS/RTS with serial data coming from TxE (Serial Port E) at 115,200bps. One character at a time is received and is displayed in the STDIO window.To set up the Prototyping Board, you will need to tieTxE and RxE together on the RS-232 header at J14,and you will also tie TxF and RxF together as shown inthe diagram.A repeating triangular pattern should print out in theSTDIO window. The program periodically switches RTS (TxF) flow control on or off todemonstrate the effect of hardware flow control.• PARITY.C—This program demonstrates the use of parity modes by repeatedly sendingbyte values 0–127 from Serial Port E to Serial Port F. The program will switch betweengenerating parity or not on Serial Port E. Serial Port F will always be checking parity,so parity errors should occur during every other sequence.To set up the Prototyping Board, you will need to tieTxE and RxF together on the RS-232 header at J14 asshown in the diagram.The Dynamic C STDIO window will display the errorsequence.• SIMPLE3WIRE.C—This program demonstrates basic RS-232 serial communication.Lower case characters are sent by TxE, and are received by RxF. The characters areconverted to upper case and are sent out by TxF, are received by RxE, and are displayedin the Dynamic C STDIO window.To set up the Prototyping Board, you will need to tieTxE and RxF together on the RS-232 header at J14, andyou will also tie RxE and TxF together as shown in thediagram.• SIMPLE5WIRE.C—This program demonstrates 5-wire RS-232 serial communicationby providing flow control (RTS/CTS) on Serial Port F and data flow on Serial Port E.To set up the Prototyping Board, you will need to tieTxE and RxE together on the RS-232 header at J14,and you will also tie TxF and RxF together as shown inthe diagram.Once you have compiled and run this program, you cantest flow control by disconnecting TxF from RxF while the program is running. Char-acters will no longer appear in the STDIO window, and will display again once TxF isconnected back to RxF. (Do not disconnect the data path between TxE and RxE.)-./;";" ;5;5)*% )*%7-./;";" ;5;5)*% )*%7-./;";" ;5;5)*% )*%7-./;";" ;5;5)*% )*%7