7Mounting examplesThe unit are designed for use inrooms with high and low ceilings.The direction of the air flow canbe individually adjusted to the suit,the building conditions or personalrequirements by changing the di-rection of rotation of the fan (polereversal).In this way, the air flow, whenusing the units in rooms with lowceilings, can be controlled horizon-tally by means of the individuallyadjustable air louvres located atthe top of the housing.This prevents persons being expo-sed to a direct air stream.Rooms with low ceilings; horizontalblowing directionRooms with low ceilings; horizontalblowing directionRooms with high ceilings; verticalblowing directionHeating and cooling combination optionsThe triangular shape of the units offers numerous individual mounting arrangements, so that even corner areasare taken into account.Window frontageWindow frontageCooling modeHeating modeWe reserve the right to make dimensional and design changes in the interest of technical advances.Rooms with high ceilings; verticalblowing directionRooms with high ceilings; verticalblowing direction