12REMKO PWLWe reserve the right to make changes to dimensions and design in the interest of technological advances.hohe Drehzahl∆ - Schaltungniedere DrehzahlY - SchaltungTK W2 U2 V2TK U1 V1 W1PE L1 L2 L3TK W2 U2 V2TK U1 V1 W1PE L1 L2 L3Fan motor 400V, two-speedCondensate pumpWiring DiagramNOTEAll electrical wiring terminalsmust be checked for tightnessand retightened if necessary.NOTEPrior to using the system, thefunction of the condensatepump must be tested withrespect to the delivery head.Fill the condensate tank of theunit housing with water andtest the function of the pump.Ensure that the pump switchesoff after pumping.ATTENTIONElectrical connection of theunit must be carried out byauthorised specialists as de-fined in DIN EN 60335-1 andVDE 0116.Standard units: ∆/Y switching and thermal contacts.Max. flow rate: 50 l/hMax. delivery head: 20 mMax. suction head: 7 mConnection internal Ø: 6 mmTemperature protection at: 130 °C0 10 20 30 40 50 60048121620Förderhöhe in MeterLiter pro StundeThe compact condensate pumpmust pump out the produced con-densate in cooling operation.The pump is a self-priming rotarydiaphragm pump.The condensate is pumped out viaa flexible PVC condensate hosewith an internal diameter of 6 mm.Safety information:■ Disconnect the power supplybefore connecting, removing orreplacing the condensate pump.■ Do not use the condensatepump for pumping flammableand potentially explosive liquidssuch as petrol, heating oil, sol-vents, etc.■ The condensate pump mustonly be used for pumpingliquids to which the pump ma-terial is resistant.■ Do not use the condensatepump in potentially explosiveatmospheres.■ Electrical connection must takeplace as shown in the wiringdiagram. Ensure that the powersupply is earthed in compliancewith the statutory require-ments.■ Ensure that the condensatepump is not installed higherthan 7 m (maximum suctionhead) above the drip tray outletand not deeper than 20 m(maximum delivery head) be-low the top of the condensatedrain.Pump controlPower supply: 230 V/50 HzBrown wire: LBlue wire: NGreen/yellow wire: PEThe mains connection of the pumpmust be protected with a 1 A mini-ature fuse.Floating alarm contact:black: common wireyellow: contact closed in operation/open onalarmred: contact open in operation/closed onalarmPerformance diagram