Pioneer S-21W Manual
Also see for S-11: Owner's manualManualOperating instructions
Software License NoticeGNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE•and GNU LESSER GENERALPUBLIC LICENSEThis product includes the following softwarelicensed for use under the terms of GNU GeneralPublic License v2, GNU Lesser General PublicLicense v2.1 or LGPL v2.0.– linux kernel 2.6. Copyright (C) 1991 LinusTorvalds. Licensed under GPLv2.– bash-2.05. Copyright (C) 2005 Free SoftwareFoundation, Inc. Licensed under GPLv2.– libsysfs-2.1.0. Copyright (C) IBM Corp. 2003.Licensed under GPLv2.– BusyBox v1.2.1 multi-call binary. Copyright(C) 1998-2009 Erik Andersen, Rob Landley,Denys Vlasenko and others. Licensed underGPLv2.– uClibc-0.9.29. Copyright (C) 1999-2008 byErik Andersen. Licensed under LGPLv2.0.– DirectFB-0.9.13. (C) Copyright 2000-2002convergence integrated media GmbH. (C)Copyright 2002 convergence GmbH. Licensedunder LGPLv2.1.– libusb-0.1.12. Copyright (C) 2000-2003Johannes Erdfelt. Copyright (C) 2003 BradHards. Licensed under LGPLv2.1.You can get corresponding open source codeby contacting your local Pioneer CustomerSupport Center.NO WARRANTYBECAUSE THE ABOVE PROGRAMS ARELICENSED FREE OF CHARGE, THERE ISNO WARRANTY FOR THE PROGRAMS, TOTHE EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLELAW. EXCEPT WHEN OTHERWISE STATEDIN WRITING, THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERSAND/OR OTHER PARTIES PROVIDE THEPROGRAMS “AS IS” WITHOUT WARRANTY OFANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED,INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THEIMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITYAND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.THE ENTIRE RISK AS TO THE QUALITY ANDPERFORMANCE OF THE PROGRAMS IS WITHYOU. SHOULD THE PROGRAMS PROVEDEFECTIVE, YOU ASSUME THE COST OFALL NECESSARY SERVICING, REPAIR ORCORRECTION.IN NO EVENT UNLESS REQUIRED BYAPPLICABLE LAW OR AGREED TO INWRITING WILL ANY COPYRIGHT HOLDER,OR ANY OTHER PARTY WHO MAY MODIFYAND/OR REDISTRIBUTE THE PROGRAMSAS PERMITTED ABOVE, BE LIABLE TO YOUFOR DAMAGES, INCLUDING ANY GENERAL,SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIALDAMAGES ARISING OUT OF THE USEOR INABILITY TO USE THE PROGRAMS(INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO LOSSOF DATA OR DATA BEING RENDEREDINACCURATE OR LOSSES SUSTAINED BYYOU OR THIRD PARTIES OR A FAILURE OFTHE PROGRAMS TO OPERATE WITH ANYOTHER PROGRAMS), EVEN IF SUCH HOLDEROR OTHER PARTY HAS BEEN ADVISED OFTHE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES.Please refer to each license for furtherinformation (,,and GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSEVersion 2, June 1991Copyright © 1989, 1991 Free SoftwareFoundation, Inc.,51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA02110-1301 USAEveryone is permitted to copy and distributeverbatim copies of this license document, butchanging it is not allowed.PreambleThe licenses for most software are designedto take away your freedom to share andchange it. By contrast, the GNU General PublicLicense is intended to guarantee your freedomto share and change free software - to makesure the software is free for all its users. ThisGeneral Public License applies to most of theFree Software Foundation’s software and toany other program whose authors commit tousing it. (Some other Free Software Foundationsoftware is covered by the GNU Lesser GeneralPublic License instead.) You can apply it to yourprograms, too.When we speak of free software, we arereferring to freedom, not price. Our GeneralPublic Licenses are designed to make sure thatyou have the freedom to distribute copies of freesoftware (and charge for this service if you wish),that you receive source code or can get it if youwant it, that you can change the software or usepieces of it in new free programs; and that youknow you can do these things.To protect your rights, we need to makerestrictions that forbid anyone to deny youthese rights or to ask you to surrender therights. These restrictions translate to certainresponsibilities for you if you distribute copies ofthe software, or if you modify it.For example, if you distribute copies of such aprogram, whether gratis or for a fee, you mustgive the recipients all the rights that you have.You must make sure that they, too, receive orcan get the source code. And you must showthem these terms so they know their rights.We protect your rights with two steps: (1)copyright the software, and (2) offer you thislicense which gives you legal permission to copy,distribute and/or modify the software.Also, for each author’s protection and ours, wewant to make certain that everyone understandsthat there is no warranty for this free software. Ifthe software is modifi ed by someone else andpassed on, we want its recipients to know thatwhat they have is not the original, so that anyproblems introduced by others will not refl ect onthe original authors’ reputations.Finally, any free program is threatened constantlyby software patents. We wish to avoid thedanger that redistributors of a free programwill individually obtain patent licenses, in effectmaking the program proprietary.To prevent this, we have made it clear that anypatent must be licensed for everyone’s free useor not licensed at all.The precise terms and conditions for copying,distribution and modifi cation follow.TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR COPYING,DISTRIBUTION AND MODIFICATION0. This License applies to any program or otherwork which contains a notice placed by thecopyright holder saying it may be distributedunder the terms of this General PublicLicense. The “Program”, below, refers to anysuch program or work, and a “work basedon the Program” means either the Programor any derivative work under copyright law:that is to say, a work containing the Programor a portion of it, either verbatim or withmodifi cations and/or translated into anotherlanguage.(Hereinafter, translation is includedwithout limitation in the term “modifi cation”.)Each licensee is addressed as “you”.Activities other than copying, distributionand modifi cation are not covered by thisLicense; they are outside its scope. The actof running the Program is not restricted, andthe output from the Program is covered onlyif its contents constitute a work based onthe Program (independent of having beenmade by running the Program). Whether thatis true depends on what the Program does.1. You may copy and distribute verbatimcopies of the Program’s source code as youreceive it, in any medium, provided that youconspicuously and appropriately publish oneach copy an appropriate copyright noticeand disclaimer of warranty; keep intact allthe notices that refer to this License and tothe absence of any warranty; and give anyother recipients of the Program a copy ofthis License along with the Program.You may charge a fee for the physical actof transferring a copy, and you may at youroption offer warranty protection in exchangefor a fee.2. You may modify your copy or copies of theProgram or any portion of it, thus forming awork based on the Program, and copy anddistribute such modifi cations or work underthe terms of Section 1 above, provided thatyou also meet all of these conditions:a) You must cause the modifi ed fi les tocarry prominent notices stating that youchanged the fi les and the date of anychange.b) You must cause any work that youdistribute or publish, that in whole orin part contains or is derived from theProgram or any part thereof, to belicensed as a whole at no charge toall third parties under the terms of thisLicense.c) If the modifi ed program normally readscommands interactively when run, youmust cause it, when started running forsuch interactive use in the most ordinaryway, to print or display an announcementincluding an appropriate copyright noticeand a notice that there is no warranty (orLes licences du logiciel ouvert utilisé pour le lecteur utilisé dans ce lecteur sont les suivantes. Les textes originaux(en anglais) sont inclus ici pour des raisons de précision.Die Lizenzen für die Open Source Software, die für diesen Player verwendet wird, sind nachstehend aufgeführt.Aus Gründen der Genauigkeit haben wir den englischen Text eingeschlossen (auf English).Le licenze nel software open source usato da questo lettore appaiono di seguito. Per motivi di precisione, qui sonostati inclusi i testi originali (in inglese).De licenties voor de open source software die is toegepast in deze disc-speler worden hieronder vermeld. Omvergissingen uit te sluiten, hebben we hierbij de oorspronkelijke (Engelse) tekst vermeld.Las licencias para el software de fuente abierta usado en este reproductor se muestran más abajo. Con lafinalidad de ofrecer mayor exactitud, aquí ofrecemos el texto original (en ingles).else, saying that you provide a warranty)and that users may redistribute theprogram under these conditions, andtelling the user how to view a copy of thisLicense. (Exception: if the Program itselfis interactive but does not normally printsuch an announcement, your work basedon the Program is not required to print anannouncement.)These requirements apply to the modifi edwork as a whole. If identifi able sectionsof that work are not derived from theProgram, and can be reasonably consideredindependent and separate works inthemselves, then this License, and its terms,do not apply to those sections when youdistribute them as separate works. Butwhen you distribute the same sections aspart of a whole which is a work based onthe Program, the distribution of the wholemust be on the terms of this License, whosepermissions for other licensees extend tothe entire whole, and thus to each and everypart regardless of who wrote it.Thus, it is not the intent of this section toclaim rights or contest your rights to workwritten entirely by you; rather, the intent is toexercise the right to control the distributionof derivative or collective works based onthe Program.In addition, mere aggregation of anotherwork not based on the Program with theProgram (or with a work based on theProgram) on a volume of a storage ordistribution medium does not bring the otherwork under the scope of this License.3. You may copy and distribute the Program(or a work based on it, under Section 2) inobject code or executable form under theterms of Sections 1 and 2 above providedthat you also do one of the following:a) Accompany it with the completecorresponding machine-readable sourcecode, which must be distributed underthe terms of Sections 1 and 2 above ona medium customarily used for softwareinterchange; or,b) Accompany it with a written offer, validfor at least three years, to give any thirdparty, for a charge no more than yourcost of physically performing sourcedistribution, a complete machine-readable copy of the correspondingsource code, to be distributed under theterms of Sections 1 and 2 above on amedium customarily used for softwareinterchange; or,c) Accompany it with the informationyou received as to the offer todistribute corresponding source code.(This alternative is allowed only fornoncommercial distribution and only ifyou received the program in object codeor executable form with such an offer, inaccord with Subsection b above.)The source code for a work means thepreferred form of the work for makingmodifi cations to it. For an executable work,complete source code means all the sourcecode for all modules it contains, plus anyassociated interface defi nition fi les, plusthe scripts used to control compilation andinstallation of the executable. However,as a special exception, the source codedistributed need not include anything thatis normally distributed (in either source orbinary form) with the major components(compiler, kernel, and so on) of the operatingsystem on which the executable runs, unlessthat component itself accompanies theexecutable.If distribution of executable or object codeis made by offering access to copy from adesignated place, then offering equivalentaccess to copy the source code from thesame place counts as distribution of thesource code, even though third parties arenot compelled to copy the source along withthe object code.4. You may not copy, modify, sublicense, ordistribute the Program except as expresslyprovided under this License. Any attemptotherwise to copy, modify, sublicense ordistribute the Program is void, and willautomatically terminate your rights underthis License. However, parties who havereceived copies, or rights, from you underthis License will not have their licensesterminated so long as such parties remain infull compliance.5. You are not required to accept this License,since you have not signed it. However,nothing else grants you permission to modifyor distribute the Program or its derivativeworks. These actions are prohibited by lawif you do not accept this License. Therefore,by modifying or distributing the Program(or any work based on the Program), youindicate your acceptance of this Licenseto do so, and all its terms and conditionsfor copying, distributing or modifying theProgram or works based on it.6. Each time you redistribute the Program(or any work based on the Program), therecipient automatically receives a licensefrom the original licensor to copy, distributeor modify the Program subject to theseterms and conditions. You may not imposeany further restrictions on the recipients’exercise of the rights granted herein.You are not responsible for enforcingcompliance by third parties to this License.7. If, as a consequence of a court judgment orallegation of patent infringement or for anyother reason (not limited to patent issues),conditions are imposed on you (whether bycourt order, agreement or otherwise) thatcontradict the conditions of this License,they do not excuse you from the conditionsof this License. If you cannot distribute soas to satisfy simultaneously your obligationsunder this License and any other pertinentobligations, then as a consequence youmay not distribute the Program at all. Forexample, if a patent license would not permitroyalty-free redistribution of the Programby all those who receive copies directly orindirectly through you, then the only way youcould satisfy both it and this License wouldbe to refrain entirely from distribution of theProgram.If any portion of this section is held invalidor unenforceable under any particularcircumstance, the balance of the section isintended to apply and the section as a wholeis intended to apply in other circumstances.It is not the purpose of this section to induceyou to infringe any patents or other propertyright claims or to contest validity of any suchclaims; this section has the sole purpose ofprotecting the integrity of the free softwaredistribution system, which is implemented bypublic license practices. Many people havemade generous contributions to the widerange of software distributed through thatsystem in reliance on consistent applicationof that system; it is up to the author/donorto decide if he or she is willing to distributesoftware through any other system and alicensee cannot impose that choice.This section is intended to make thoroughlyclear what is believed to be a consequenceof the rest of this License.8. If the distribution and/or use of the Programis restricted in certain countries eitherby patents or by copyrighted interfaces,the original copyright holder who placesthe Program under this License mayadd an explicit geographical distributionlimitation excluding those countries, so thatdistribution is permitted only in or amongcountries not thus excluded. In such case,this License incorporates the limitation as ifwritten in the body of this License.9. The Free Software Foundation may publishrevised and/ or new versions of the GeneralPublic License from time to time. Such newversions will be similar in spirit to the presentversion, but may differ in detail to addressnew problems or concerns.Each version is given a distinguishing versionnumber. If the Program specifi es a versionnumber of this License which applies toit and “any later version”, you have theoption of following the terms and conditionseither of that version or of any later versionpublished by the Free Software Foundation.If the Program does not specify a versionnumber of this License, you may choose anyversion ever published by the Free SoftwareFoundation.10. If you wish to incorporate parts of theProgram into other free programs whosedistribution conditions are different, writeto the author to ask for permission. Forsoftware which is copyrighted by the FreeSoftware Foundation, write to the FreeSoftware Foundation; we sometimes makeexceptions for this. Our decision will beguided by the two goals of preserving thefree status of all derivatives of our freesoftware and of promoting the sharing andreuse of software generally.NO WARRANTY11. BECAUSE THE PROGRAM IS LICENSEDFREE OF CHARGE, THERE IS NOWARRANTY FOR THE PROGRAM, TO THEEXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLELAW. EXCEPT WHEN OTHERWISE STATEDIN WRITING THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERSAND/ OR OTHER PARTIES PROVIDE THEPROGRAM “AS IS” WITHOUT WARRANTYOF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED ORIMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITEDTO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OFMERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR APARTICULAR PURPOSE. THE ENTIRE RISKAS TO THE QUALITY AND PERFORMANCEOF THE PROGRAM IS WITH YOU. SHOULDTHE PROGRAM PROVE DEFECTIVE, YOUASSUME THE COST OF ALL NECESSARYSERVICING, REPAIR OR CORRECTION.12. IN NO EVENT UNLESS REQUIRED BYAPPLICABLE LAW OR AGREED TO INWRITING WILL ANY COPYRIGHT HOLDER,OR ANY OTHER PARTY WHO MAY MODIFYAND/OR REDISTRIBUTE THE PROGRAMAS PERMITTED ABOVE, BE LIABLE TOYOU FOR DAMAGES, INCLUDING ANYGENERAL, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL ORCONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ARISINGOUT OF THE USE OR INABILITY TOUSE THE PROGRAM (INCLUDING BUTNOT LIMITED TO LOSS OF DATA ORDATA BEING RENDERED INACCURATEOR LOSSES SUSTAINED BY YOU ORTHIRD PARTIES OR A FAILURE OF THEPROGRAM TO OPERATE WITH ANYOTHER PROGRAMS), EVEN IF SUCHHOLDER OR OTHER PARTY HAS BEEN |
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