FRONT PANEL FACILITIES® This unit is provided with an automatic tape selector function. SYNCHRO COPY switches® Tapes can be played back on deck |; tapes can be played back Press to set the copy mode.and recorded on deck I. NORMAL .... Permits you to listen to playback normally during® Sound can be recorded with the quality which has been dubbing (normal speed copying)adjusted by the graphic equalizer. [ HIGH .... High speed dubbing(double-speed, half-time copying)Deck I] Operation switches | TAPE COUNTER (DECK ii)@ REC MUTING .... For creatingthe blanks of the appropriate length 3-digit display measures tape travel on record/play deck.between tepe programs. | TAPE COUNTER reset button@ REC .... Record ee ear en) seheicleAline tteMieH& PAUSE .... Temporarily stops tape travel. Cancels pausemode when pressed again. f=, 0. ee Se arbP FAST ... Fast forward in forward mode, rewind in reverse REVERSE MODE switchmode.Switch position |During playbackRELAY PLAY _| Deck ts Deck fiPLAY .... For playing back a tape in the forward mode.BESTOP For stopping the tape run.|.....Forplayingbackatapeinthereversemode.—|Single:sideeitleeee|4FAST....Rewindinforwardmode,fastforwardinreverse|tenBO,fernREOTEING,ContinuousDouble-sidedplayback recording |mode. cD DContinuous playback is automatically stopped after 6round trips.EJECT button(DECK il]Push to open the cas-sette door,EJECT button(DECK 1]Push to open the cassettedoor,Deck I Operation switches Dolby NR switchbe FAST ... Fast forward in forward mode, rewind in Set this switch to the ON position to activate the noise reductionreverse mode. system.PLAY .... For playing back a tape in the forward mode. ® Tapes recorded using Dolby B NR noise reduction shouldSTOP .... For stopping the tape. always be played back with the noise reduction system on. .... For playing back a tape in the reverse mode. Sound quality will be adversely affected if they are played back44FAST ... Rewind in forward mode, fast forward in with the system off, or if tapes recorded using a different noisereverse mode. reduction system are played back with the Dolby B NR systemon.® It is recommended that tapes recorded using Dolby B NR.beso marked on the label. This will help to prevent incorrectTIMER switch | setting of the noise reduction switch during playbackUse only when performing unattended recording or wake RAIA AAAup playback. Normaily, leave in the OFF position. | Noise reduction manufactured under license from Dolby Lab-oratories Licensing Corporation.“Dolby” and the double-D symbol are trademarks of DolbyLaboratories Licensing Corporation.IDRBALD DADA DADA AAA AUN8 PreviousNext |