About DiscsThe following CD-RW/-R discs cannot be played.Discs on which data has not been recorded cannot beplayed back.Discs that has not been finalized cannot be played back.Discs recorded in a format other than an Audio CD andJPEG file format*2 cannot be played back.Discs may not be played back depending on theirrecording status or the status of the disc itself.Discs may not be played back depending on theircompatibility with this Player.*2 About the JPEG file formatJPEG is a type of file format for storing still-image files(photos, illustrations, etc.). The Player lets you play JPEGformat still-image files.File formats that are not compatible.Still images in formats other than JPEG (such as TIFF)cannot be played.There may be some files that cannot be played even if theyare in JPEG format.Progressive JPEG files cannot be played.Moving image files and audio files as well as Motion JPEGformat files cannot be played, even though they are JPEGfiles.Other files that cannot be played back.You may not be able to play some still images which youhave created, touched up, copied or otherwise edited onyour computer.You may experience one or more of the followingsymptoms when playing files.It may take some time to play files depending on thenumber of folders, number of files and volume of datainvolved.EXIF information will not be displayed. EXIF stands forExchangeable Image File Format, and is a standard forstoring interchange information in image files, especiallythose using JPEG compression. (Refer to http://exif.org formore information.)When using the unit to play a CD-RW/-R discwith still images stored (recorded).Discs that are not formatted in music CD format, or discscontaining mixed media (for example, music, videos, andstill photos in jpeg format) may not be playable. You maynot be able to play some of these discs at all.Multi-session discs cannot be played.You may not be able to play some still images you haveprocessed (rotated or saved by overwriting other images)using image processing software or some still images youhave imported from the Internet or e-mail.The discs which this Player can play back (recognize) arelimited to the following properties:Contains EXIF format filesPicture resolution: Between 3232 and 76804320pixelsMaximum number of folders: 256Maximum number of files: 256File size: 20 MB or less••••••••••••••••Structure of still images (JPEG) foldersYou can play still images (JPEG) with this unit by makingfolder on disc as shown below.7Introduction01 Folder001.jpg256.jpg02 Folder256 FolderRoot001.jpg256.jpg001.jpg256.jpg