Dynamic navigation with TMCNotes• Dynamic route guidance is not possible in allcountries.• When any route recalculations are made withactive dynamic route guidance, the navigationsystem may request the navigation CD (if thenavigation CD is not already inserted).What is dynamic route guidance?Dynamic route guidance is used to calculatethe route, taking current traffic announcementsinto account.The traffic announcements are transmitted by aTMC radio station in addition to the radio pro-gramme and are received and analysed by thenavigation system. There is no charge for receiv-ing traffic announcements.Note• Traffic announcements are transmitted byradio stations, therefore we cannot accept anyresponsibility for the completeness and cor-rectness of the announcements.Dynamic route guidanceDynamic route guidance can be started byselecting START–DYN. R. in the route menu.If dynamic route guidance has been activated, acontinuous check is made for the presence ofrelevant announcements for the selected route.The route is then calculated using the “FASTROUTE” option, while taking into account cur-rent traffic announcements. If the check deter-mines that a traffic announcement is relevantfor the route guidance, then a new route to thedestination is calculated automatically by theunit.NEW ROUTE appears on the display. In addition,there is a voice announcement “The route isbeing recalculated due to current trafficannouncements”. is displayed inversely.Notes• If no TMC radio station was found, then CUR-RENTLY TMC RECEPTION IS NOT POSSIBLEis displayed. After a short time, the unitswitches back to the route guidance display.• If a TMC station still cannot be found after 10minutes, FOR THE TIME BEING TMC RECEP-TION IS NOT POSSIBLE is displayed, accom-panied by a brief signal tone.Your navigation system can receive TMC infor-mation, whether a TMC station is selected ornot. However, in order to guarantee optimalreception of TMC information, we recommendthe selection of a TMC station.NavigationEn3403Section