37IMPORTANT:• Do not move the focus ring.• Defocus may be caused by the reinstalled enclosure. In this case, perform the auto focus func-tion from the setup menu.• After performing basic adjustments, make sure to press the auto focus (AF) button once to per-form detailed adjustments.Note:• If the zoom lock knob is fully turned in the "W" direction, the periphery may become dark. Insuch a case, turn the zoom lock knob in the "T" direction for readjustment.• If the zoom lock knob is slightly tightened before the zoom is adjusted, the knob will becomestable, making fine adjustments easier to perform.• When shooting in the following place or the following subjects, focus may not be adjustedautomatically. In this case, adjust the focus manually from the setup menu. Refer to theOperating Instructions (included in the CD-ROM) for how to perform the manual focus adjust-ment from the setup menu.• Subj. moving frequently• Subj. with large illuminance change• Subj. with low illuminance• Subj. with reflection or extra brightness• Subj. through a window• Place where the dome cover easily becomes dirty• Subj. with less contrast such as white wall• Subj. with heavy flicker• If the 2x extra optical zoom is applied when "2048×1536", "1920×1080", "1280x960","1280x720" is selected for the image capture size, the image quality will be deterioratedbecause the effect of Extra Optical Zoom is not provided.• When images in the near-infrared light area change from color to black & white, out-of-focusmay be occurred according to the nature of optical property. In this case, the focus can auto-matically be corrected by selecting "Auto" or "Preset" for "Adjusting method" on the setupmenu (The focus will not automatically be adjusted according to the illumination level changeonce the focus is corrected.) Refer to the Operating Instructions (included in the CD-ROM) forhow to set "Adjusting method" on the setup menu.