14Do not remove or loosen the screws onthe rear of this product.If the screws (7 pcs.) are loosened, water expo-sure may cause damage or malfunction of theproduct, or dropping may result in injury.Radio disturbanceWhen this product is used near TV/radio antenna,strong electric field or magnetic field (near amotor, a transformer or a power line), images maybe distorted and noise sound may be produced.Take notice of humidity.Install this product when the humidity is low. Ifthis product is installed during rainfall or at ahigh humidity, the inside may be exposed tomoisture and the dome cover may becomefoggy.Heater unitThis product is equipped with an internal heaterunit for use in cold climates. The heater unit turnson automatically when the temperature inside theproduct drops below 0 °C {32 °F}. However, in anextremely low-temperature environment below–30 °C {–22 °F}, snow and frost may not bedefrosted from the dome cover. When using theproduct in cold climates, take notice of the ambi-ent and internal temperatures of the product.When this product is installed and operated inlow temperatures below –10 °C {14 °F}, normalimages may not be obtained immediately afterstartup. In such a case, wait around 2 hours ormore, and turn on the power again.PoE (Power over Ethernet)Use a PoE hub/device that is compliant withIEEE802.3af standard.RouterWhen connecting this product to the Internet,use a broadband router with the port forward-ing function (NAT, IP masquerade).Refer to the Operating Instructions (included inthe CD-ROM) for further information about theport forwarding function.Time & date settingIt is necessary to set the time & date beforeputting this product into operation. Refer to theOperating Instructions on the providedCD-ROM for descriptions of how to performthe settings.