12About SD memory card• Before removing the SD memory card,make sure to select “Not use” for “SDmemory card” on the [SD memory card]tab of “Basic” page on the setup menufirst. (☞ Operating Instructions (included inthe CD-ROM)) Refer to page 23 fordescriptions of how to insert/remove anSD memory card.• When using a SD memory card, format itusing this product. Recorded data on theSD memory card will be deleted when for-matted. If an unformatted SD memory cardor a SD memory card formatted with otherdevices is used, this product may not workproperly or performance deterioration maybe caused. Refer to the OperatingInstructions (included in the CD-ROM) forhow to format a SD memory card.• When some SD memory cards are usedwith this product, the product may notwork properly or performance deteriorationmay be caused.Code labelThe code labels (accessory) are required atinquiry for trouble. Use caution not to losethese labels. It is recommended to paste oneof the labels onto the CD-ROM case.Discoloration on the color filter of theMOS image sensor• When continuously shooting a bright lightsource such as a spotlight, the color filterof the MOS image sensor may have deteri-orated and it may cause discoloration.Even when changing the fixed shootingdirection after continuously shooting aspotlight for a certain period, the discolor-ation may remain.• When shooting fast-moving subjects orperforming panning/tilting operations,objects crossing the shooting area maylook to be bending askew.AVC Patent Portfolio LicenseTHIS PRODUCT IS LICENSED UNDER THEAVC PATENT PORTFOLIO LICENSE FOR THEPERSONAL USE OF A CONSUMER OROTHER USES IN WHICH IT DOES NOTRECEIVE REMUNERATION TO (i) ENCODEVIDEO IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE AVCSTANDARD ("AVC VIDEO") AND/OR (ii)DECODE AVC VIDEO THAT WAS ENCODEDBY A CONSUMER ENGAGED IN APERSONAL ACTIVITY AND/OR WASOBTAINED FROM A VIDEO PROVIDERLICENSED TO PROVIDE AVC VIDEO. NOLICENSE IS GRANTED OR SHALL BEIMPLIED FOR ANY OTHER USE. ADDITIONALINFORMATION MAY BE OBTAINED FROMMPEG LA, L.L.C.SEE HTTP://WWW.MPEGLA.COMAbout the dehumidifying device• This product has dehumidifying device tokeep the inside at low moisture level, pre-venting condensation and quickly dissipat-ing dew if produced.• Dew may be produced depending on theconditions of temperature, humidity, winds,and rain, and it may take time to dehumidi-fy.• Never seal the surfaces of the dehumidify-ing device.Dehumidifying device